2014 Seyahati / Road Trip

Day 2 in America Boston, Morning

Last night was cold compared to the nights we have in Istanbul. This is another difference between home and here. Another difference is that my own parents and brother ACTUALLY woke up at 05:00 a.m.! Usually they wake up late while I get up early, but I guess something in the atmosphere changed their time lengths. It would be a lie if I say that I didn’t freaked out, right now I’m thinking the possibility that my parents were replaced by aliens… Or they just woke up so they could go sightseeing early. Although we’re just staying for 7 days here because Ali has to go to some classes here.

When we were talking at breakfast we talked about a weird clothed guy from yesterday. Why he was weird was because he was wearing some thing that looked like a t-shirt a women would wear, but he had beards and everything and I’m pretty much sure that it’s still early for mankind’s evolvement! So what I saw yesterday, I don’t know.

3 üzerine düşünceler “Day 2 in America Boston, Morning

  1. Kerim

    It isn’t normally this cool in August; we’re having a particularly mild summer (thank goodness) after the brutal winter. Usually, it’s so hot and humid in the late summer that it is difficult to sleep at night without air conditioning.

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